Due to our expanded selection of bare root fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubs we had no room this year for bare root roses. We do
plan on having them later, potted up, beautiful and ready to go. We choose our selection of roses for hardiness, fragrance and quality of
bloom. The following is a sampling of what we have carried in past years.
Abraham Darby- (sold out) A large growing rose from David Austin
which can be a 6'x6' shrub or to 8' when trained as a climber. This popular rose produces large, cupped apricot yellow blooms which have a
strong, fruity fragrance. The foliage is shiny, dark green and resistant to mildew.
Alchymist- (available in 1 gallon size pots) This is the rose that is planted
on our front fence! We have been trying to get it for years and now it's
here. This has proven to be a very strong, disease resistant climber. It only blooms once but for an extended time and it's an event we wait all year for. This climber produces
clusters of strongly scented, golden to peachy, fully double blooms and is a traffic stopper!
Alpine Sunset- Hybrid Tea rose which produces beautiful and strongly fragrant pink/apricot colored blooms. This plant
grows 3'x3' with dark green, disease resistant foliage.
Altissimo- One of the best red climbers! This plant can reach 15' and
produces velvety red single blooms with golden stamens. A vigorous grower with shiny disease resistant foliage.
Cecile Brunner- An old-time favorite climbing polyantha. I've seen this
plant grow 20'+, very vigorous and disease resistant, great on fences or espaliered on a large wall. This plant becomes covered with clusters of
small, pale pink, lightly fragrant blooms in Spring and sporadically reblooms thereafter.
Condesa de Sastago- Wow! The brilliance of the flowers make this truly
an eye catcher. One of the first bicolored roses hybridized in Spain in 1932 by Pedro Dot. This is a Hybrid Tea rose in the color of oriental red backed with
yellow. The blooms produce a strong fragrance and will repeat throughout the season.
Don Juan (sold out) - Growth of this
climber reaches 8' to 12' and produces large, dark velvety red blooms with a strong damask fragrance.
Geranium Red- A beautiful floribunda rose which produces clusters of
geranium like orange red blooms with a strong fragrance.
Gertrude Jeykll- This is one of the most beautiful Austin English roses.
This is a large growing shrub to 10' tall and 3' wide suitable for the background or trained as a pillar rose. It produces medium sized warm
pink rosettes with a strong myrrh fragrance. Pruning after flowers fade will help to repeat blooms.
Iceberg- What garden is complete without the performance of this white Floribunda? A very popular rose and with good reason, it produces almost a non-stop display of white,
sweetly fragrant, sprays of blooms which are perfect for the bouquet. This rose handles the heat well and has an excellent resistance to disease.
Climbing Iceberg- All the wonderful
characteristics of Iceberg in a climbing form!
Joseph's Coat- Another very popular, large
flowered, climbing rose which produces 3" marigold orange blooms that in time change to bright yellow and finally to cardinal red. It is a multi-colored eye catcher!
Jude the Obscure- An Austin English rose that is not so 'obscure' when
planted in the garden. It produces beautiful buff yellow blooms with a delightfully strong fragrance.
Lavender Pinocchio- This is a beautiful floribunda which produces
uniquely colored, strongly fragrant, lilac blooms with moca undertones.
Medallion- This is a beautiful soft apricot colored Hybrid Tea rose. A nice addition to the cutting garden this rose produces large
blooms on long stems with a moderately fruity fragrance. A bouquet of these stunning blooms is sure to make anyone happy!
Madame Pierre Oger- This is an Antique Bourbon Rose first introduced by Oger of
France in 1878. The blooms of this rose are described as "pearl cerise" with pearly white, "translucent" petals edged with pink that will increase with a greater amount of
sun. When the slender canes are pegged inward or outward the plant will produce its richly scented blooms along their length.
Nicole- A showstopping, bi-colored, Floribunda rose that produces
masses of powder white blooms edged with deep pink. This is a very vigerous and disease free grower that will continue to repeat its bloom
throughout the season. Great for instant bouquets.
Papa Meilland- A 3' x 3' growing Hybrid Tea rose perfect for the
garden. This plant produces deep velvety crimson blooms with a strong damask fragrance. Give this plant air and protection from mildew and it
will reward you with wonderful blooms for cutting.
Paul Bocuse- An incredible Generosa Shrub rose that will produce strong
to moderately fragrant, deeply cupped, rich apricot colored blooms born in clusters. This plant is an upright grower to 4' x 4' and is a wonderful choice for the garden.
Sombrueil- One of our favorite old fashioned, Climbing Tea roses,
introduced in 1850. This climber will produce beautiful, fully double, flat, creamy white blooms with a sweet tea fragrance. The plant is
vigerous, disease resistant, and in milder climates will practically bloom year round!
Sonia Rykiel- Another beauty, Sonia Rykiel is considered "the most
scented" of the Generosa Shrub roses. This plant will produce old fashioned, quartered, coral pink blooms individually presented on straight stems suitable for cutting.
Sophia Renaissance - From the Renaissance series by Poulsen, this is a 4'
x 4' grower with dark, leathery foliage and produces large (to 4"), quartered, amber-yellow blooms with a "honey fragrance".
The Nun - An English rose by David Austin, The Nun produces delicate
eggshell white, deeply cupped blooms with a strong myrrh fragrance.
Typhoo Tea - A Hybrid Tea rose which produces strongly scented, rich
red and silver bicolored blooms on straight stems ideal for the bouquet.
Valencia - A beautiful Hybrid Tea which produces large, pointed, creamy
apricot blooms with copper undertones. Each sweetly scented bloom is presented singly on a strong straight stem with a long vase life making it
perfect for cutting. The shrub itself grows 4' x 4' with dark green, disease resistant foliage.
Gift certificates available
Please call for availability of a particular variety.
Special orders are always welcome!